Operation Green Yojana: Revolutionizing India’s Agricultural Sector

India, being an agrarian economy, heavily relies on the agricultural sector for its growth and sustenance. In recent years, the government has introduced various schemes and initiatives to support and uplift the farming community. One such game-changer is the Operation Green Yojana, which aims to transform the agricultural landscape of the country.

What is Operation Green Yojana?

Operation Green Yojana is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India in 2018. The primary objective of this initiative is to stabilize the supply and prices of three perishable crops: tomatoes, onions, and potatoes (TOP). By ensuring the availability of these essential vegetables throughout the year, the government aims to reduce the price volatility and protect both farmers and consumers from the fluctuations in market prices.

The Three Pillars of Operation Green Yojana

Operation Green Yojana is built on three key pillars:

1. Price Stabilization:

Under this pillar, the government intervenes in the market to control the prices of TOP crops. It does so by creating buffer stocks, implementing price support schemes, and providing financial assistance to farmers and farmer producer organizations (FPOs). By stabilizing the prices, the government ensures that farmers receive fair and remunerative prices for their produce, while consumers have access to these essential commodities at reasonable rates.

2. Demand Supply Management:

The second pillar focuses on managing the demand and supply of TOP crops. The government encourages farmers to adopt modern agricultural practices, such as precision farming, use of high-yielding varieties, and efficient post-harvest management techniques. By promoting technology-driven farming, the aim is to increase productivity and reduce wastage, thereby ensuring a steady supply of these perishable crops throughout the year.

3. Market Intelligence:

The third pillar emphasizes the importance of market intelligence and information dissemination. The government collects and analyzes data related to production, demand, and prices of TOP crops. This data is then shared with farmers, FPOs, and other stakeholders to help them make informed decisions about production, storage, and marketing. By providing timely and accurate information, the government empowers farmers to maximize their profits and minimize losses.

Benefits of Operation Green Yojana

The Operation Green Yojana has several benefits for both farmers and consumers:

1. Income Security for Farmers:

By stabilizing the prices of TOP crops, the scheme provides income security to farmers. It ensures that they receive fair prices for their produce, reducing their dependency on middlemen and eliminating the risk of distress sales. This, in turn, encourages farmers to invest in better agricultural practices and improve their livelihoods.

2. Price Stability for Consumers:

With the availability of TOP crops throughout the year, consumers no longer have to bear the brunt of price fluctuations. The scheme ensures a steady supply of these essential vegetables, making them affordable and accessible to all sections of society. This not only benefits consumers but also helps in controlling inflation and food inflation in the long run.

3. Employment Generation:

Operation Green Yojana promotes the establishment of FPOs and encourages farmers to come together and form producer groups. This not only enhances their bargaining power but also generates employment opportunities in rural areas. The scheme also focuses on skill development and capacity building of farmers, further contributing to rural employment and entrepreneurship.

4. Reduction in Food Wastage:

By promoting efficient post-harvest management techniques and creating cold storage facilities, the scheme aims to reduce food wastage. This is crucial, especially for perishable crops like tomatoes, onions, and potatoes, which are prone to spoilage. The reduction in food wastage not only benefits farmers economically but also has a positive environmental impact.


Operation Green Yojana is a significant step towards transforming India’s agricultural sector. By focusing on price stabilization, demand-supply management, and market intelligence, the scheme aims to provide a sustainable and prosperous future for farmers. With income security, price stability, employment generation, and reduced food wastage, this initiative has the potential to revolutionize the agricultural landscape of the country. As the government continues to invest in such schemes, it is crucial for all stakeholders to actively participate and support these initiatives for the collective growth and development of the agricultural sector.

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